Tea facts

When the coffee industry in Ceylon ground to a halt in the early 19th century, some determined planters – notably James Taylor, experimented with tea and the first commercial planting began in 1867. The elevation and the climate proving ideal, tea and Ceylon soon became synonymous. Probably the world’s most popular beverage today, tea is sought by the rich and the poor alike, and savoured in myriad forms to diverse tastes around the world. The history of tea is shrouded in mystery - its true origins uncertain. It is generally accepted that the plant ‘Camellia Sinensis’ was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago, and its cultivation and trade, continued since.

The most consumed beverage after water, tea contains zero calories when consumed on its own with no additives. Naturally rich in Flavonoids – a naturally occurring compound found in tea, fruits and vegetables, the health benefits of Flavonoids contained in black tea, particularly with benefits to blood circulation, have been identified and accepted globally.

Leaf grades are usually divided into

Broken grades are divided into

Orange Pekoe ( O.P )
Pekoe ( Pek. )
Souchong ( Sou. )
Broken Orange Pekoe ( B.O.P. )
Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings ( B.O.P.F )
Dust ( D. )
Organic Tea
The grades may be described as follows



OP 1

Orange Pekoe A 
The largest whole leaf wiry tea. A delicate brew that varies in taste according to the different elevations.
Orange Pekoe 
A whole leaf, well twisted tea. A delicate brew that varies in taste according to the different districts.
Orange Pekoe 1 
A well twisted leafy tea, generally from the low and mid country region.




Broken Orange Pekoe 1 
A well twisted semi-leafy tea generally from the low country, with a mild malty taste.
A curly leaf style giving a light cup and delicate taste.Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe
A semi- leafy tea with some tip. Has a mellow flavoury cup.




Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning Extra Special
A whole leafy tea with an abundance of long tips. An exquisite mildly caramel sweet liquor.
Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning 1
A typical low country semi-leaf tippy tea with a full bodied sweet brew.
Broken Orange Pekoe
A popular leaf size, which helps to bring out a good balance of taste and strength.


Dust 1

BP 1

Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings
A particle smaller than BOP, popular in the higher elevations. Tastes stronger than BOP whilst retaining all other characteristics.
Fine granular particles that bring out optimum strength and body. Ideal for commercial brewing.Broken Pekoe 1
The larger leaf of CTC (Crush, Tear & Curl) type manufacture with bold spherical particles giving a full bodied bright tea.

PF 1


Silver Tips

Pekoe Fannings 1 
A smaller size leaf of CTC (Crush, Tear & Curl) type manufacture giving a strong tasting tea. Ideal for tea bags.
Pekoe Dust 
Smaller size leaf of the CTC (Crush, Tear & Curl) type manufacture, giving & strong taste with more cup colour.
The finest buds from teas of a special colour which turn velvety silver when dried. A very delicate fragrant brew of mystical medicinal properties.

Golden Tips

Gun Powder


The finest buds of a special clone, which turns velvetly Gold due to coating of juices. A very delicate fragrant brew, of mystical medicinal properties.This Green tea has been prepared using the Chinese pan heating process. A strong tasting tea with its unique Ceylon fragrance.This Green tea has been prepared using the Japanese steaming process. A delicate tasting tea with a character synonymous with this style of manufacture.

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